The In-Discipleship team is committed to the Spiritual growth and leadership of our disciple makers. Accordingly please feel free to ask questions and or provide comments as they relate to the ministry and we will work towards providing timely responses keeping mind that we are all volunteers.
hello i would like to order some of the books for my church and community. is it possible to obtain these books. please let me know how
Asked by Vic Guajardo
Thank you for your interest in Pastor Don’s books. We are happy to provide the books you want free of charge as a gift of InDiscipleship Ministries, if you live in the U.S. or Canada. We would appreciate a donation to cover the cost of shipping, but it’s not required.
Please let us know what books you would like, how many books you need, and an address we can send the books to.
Send your information to:
Richard Spears
Answered by Richard Spears
Bible Prayer Walk
I am an elementary teacher, Reading Specialist, and I just got your book “Meet Jesus Outside Bible Prayer Walks”. I read p. 5 How to Lead a Bible Prayer Walk. And on #8 it says go to to watch a short video clip on how to lead a Bible prayer walk. I looked and looked and cannot find it on your website. Can you direct me to where this short video clip is.
Asked by Ellen Siregar
Thank you for your interest in using Pastor Don’s book, Meet Jesus Outside, for prayer walks with your students. I regret to tell you that the video is still in the planning phase. If you will contact me at the email below I can put you in contact with a teacher that is very familiar with these and can give you more insights.
God be with you,
Richard Spears
Answered by Richard Spears
Pastor & teacher retreats
How do we contact Don M. About doing a pastor and teacher conference retreat?
Asked by Mary K Frey
Private response.
Answered by Richard Spears
More + Berrien Springs
My husband and I are signed up for the training in Berrien Springs the first week of March. We aren’t sure how to plan, especially for what clothes to bring (not sure if there’s outdoor activities, etc.)… how can we know best how to prepare to maximize our time and readiness, and learning? Thanks so much, Caryn Jordan
Asked by Caryn Jordan
Thank you for your questions about the Berrien Springs event in March. Pastor Don is a great advocate of fresh air and exercise, so I suggest you dress in casual clothes and comfortable walking shoes.
Depending on the weather, there is a good chance of being outdoors for some part of the day. An appropriate coat and possibly rain gear is good to have. Depending on the venue you may want to bring a pad for kneeling in prayer or sitting on.
May God richly bless you and everyone at this event.
Answered by Richard Spears
Do you have any flash cards for kids in discipleship or pamphlets with question and answers i can use?
Asked by hellen hellen
Thank you for your interest in using Pastor Don’s lessons for children. Unfortunately, we do not have pre-made flash cards or pamphlets, however, there are instructions for making your own handouts in ‘Footprints for Kids’ in the “Resource” section of the website.
May God bless you as you disciple the children in your life.
Answered by Richard Spears
God still lives book
The middle of january.I requested a box of the book.God still lives. I still have not received the box of books.Can you confirm that you shipped it?
Asked by Debra Ueeck
Thank you for letting us know. We will find out and let you know as soon as possible.
Answered by Richard Spears
Do you have any ressources in french please.
Asked by Clauda berube
Thank you for your interest in Pastor Don’s books. I’m sorry to say, we do not have any resources in French. There have been Divisions of the Adventist church that have translated the book God Still Lives in French. You might try contacting them if you are interested in that book.
Richard Spears
InDiscipleship Communication
Answered by Richard Spears
Receipt for Donation
During the first quarter of 2024, we donated $5,000.00 to In Discipleship to help with the expenses of the Chapel Oaks Church Tanzania trip – no receipt received. Thank you
Asked by Dennis and Becky Barts
Please accept our apology for this.
If you would, please contact [email protected] for a solution.
Richard Spears
Answered by Richard Spears
My name is Robinson Gasangwa and I am from Rwanda in Africa.
My question is about ministry partnership with your organization especially in discipleship,evangelism and Bible training for people in remote villages of Rwanda
Asked by Robinson Gasangwa
Answered by Richard Spears
Handouts for kids lessons
How and where to obtain handouts and Printouts for footprints for Jesus kids lessons?
Asked by Wanda Deane
Thank for your interest in Footprints for Kids. All the lesson’s and handouts are available in the Resource section of the Website.
Answered by Richard Spears